Printed Packs

The other night while at dinner, my good friend announced he was driving up to Big Sur for a camping trip with his girlfriend. It got me really thinking about why I have never been one for camping. Mainly it boils down to the fact that I am scaredy cat about animals (bears, tigers, etc.) and of course insects. Some may find it hard to believe, but it has nothing to do with dirt or not being able to have access to a proper bathroom. Well actual that is a lie, not being able to shower for a couple of days would drive me nuts. People are always going and seeming as though they have a blast. Couples go for a romantic get-away and families go as a way to spend time with one another. All of that sounds so nice and happy, but it just doesn't get me packing up the tent or sleeping bag. With that being said glamping just seems silly, like why even go at all. I understand the concept of glamping it just seems to defeat the purpose. Maybe one day I will hop the fence and try a camping adventure. Now if you give me one of these printed packs, I may move a lot faster. Happy hump day! 

Campgrounds I may explore in the far future: 

Butano State Park 

Parson's Landing

Lassen Volcanic National Park 

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, Big Sur

Anini Beach Park